Relief for Muscle Tightness and Pain
If you struggle with back, neck, or shoulder pain, or are regularly taking medication for relief from muscle pain, it might be time to try trigger point therapy. Muscle tightness may be affecting your ability to sleep, exercise, or work normally, but you don’t need to suffer. Trigger point therapy is a completely safe, natural way to treat tight muscles that are causing you unrelenting pain.
“As trigger point massage releases constricted muscles, there is usually a significant reduction in pain, often after only a single session.”
Dr. Randall Davis, D.C.

Manage Pain and Stress from Chronic Injuries
Regular sessions are a natural way to release tension and manage muscle pain for ongoing whole-body wellness. Studies point to the efficacy of the process where regular sessions of trigger point therapy are effective in relieving pain and tightness and restoring resting muscle tone. In our clinic, I treat muscle tension with trigger point release therapy treating tight areas within the muscle tissue. These points may also be causing referred pain in another part of the body, which you will notice as we rotate through cycles of pressure and release. This process is undertaken in partnership with the patient who actively participates in the session through deep breathing and assistance in locating the exact trigger points.
The Source of Pain and Tightness
Lifestyle, Injuries, and the Cycle of Pain
Our everyday lives have changed a lot in a hundred years, the industrial revolution and urban migration mean that most people no longer use and move their bodies in the way that they were designed to be used. Hours spent in front of a computer screen with few breaks and evenings slouched on the couch in front of the TV are contributing to a growing epidemic of back and neck pain. For sports and outdoor enthusiasts, there are also cases where injuries occur, often through overuse and overextension leading to muscle tightness. Whatever the root cause, the injured muscle or muscle group will respond by tightening as a protection mechanism which, if left untreated, may escalate into a complex condition with worsening pain.
The Journey from Pain to Healing
The Restorative Process of Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy addresses the root cause and has been proven to be successful in restoring the muscles to their normal function. In most cases, the muscle itself will not be manipulated, but rather through the treatment of specific points on the muscle that works to relieve tension. As the tightness of the muscle releases, so too does the chronic pain. As the muscle returns to its the ideal resting states the tone and length of the muscles increases, the range of motion and blood circulation improves, leading to an increase in energy levels. Trigger point therapy is primarily used AS AN ADJUNCTIVE TREATMENT ALONG WITH CHIROPRACTIC CARE to treat joint pain, back pain, and headaches. It can also be used to treat osteoarthritis, tinnitus, migraines, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sports injuries.
Symbiosis: Trigger Point Therapy, Chiropractic Adjustment, and Acupuncture
Our focus is always on full-body wellness, and as such, I will combine therapies to offer a solution that identifies and treats the root causes of any pain, discomfort, or dis-ease. Trigger Point Therapy, chiropractic adjustment, and acupuncture work well together to address the underlying conditions related to spinal alignment, coupled with targeted, fast-acting pain relief for stressed muscles.