Tapping into the Body’s Energy Flow
Find and Treat the Cause, Not the Symptoms
With Contact Reflex Analysis (or CRA), I work with you through an energy connection to analyze the energy flowing throughout your body – every organ, vessel, and cell. By paying careful attention to shifts in your muscle responses, I am able to detect an indication of energy imbalance or balance in each specific area. These energy imbalances are at the root of disease in the body. In CRA sessions, my goal is to determine a path to bring the energy back into balance so that healing can take place.
What You Can Expect from CRA
CRA can be likened to a series of questions, but where the patient would usually respond verbally, I ask the question of your body and measure its response for the answer. I use traditional CRA methods applying a single downwards push on the wrist of the patient’s arm while also connecting with a reflex point on the body. This push asks the question of whether there is an imbalance, and the reactivity from the muscle response is the answer.
“Science shows that diseases are not a single entity, and the cause is often a combination of physical and emotional trauma.”
Dr. Randall Davis, D.C.

Understanding the Origins of CRA
Dr. Dick Versendaal, DC, CRA, DCRC, DACBN was the founder and developer of CRA. He was a leading chiropractor who was mentored by the late, great BJ Palmer. Versendaal is widely respected as pioneering the understanding of the synergy between the organs, body systems, spine, and the importance of nutrition. I trained directly under Dr Versendaal for over 20 years.
The Natural Flow of Energy in Our Bodies
As people, we tend not to notice how our body works when everything is going well. But when something goes wrong, it’s important to be able to work out how to address the issue quickly. So many of our body’s functions happen without us even having to think about it, and so it’s easy to take the flow of energy for granted. The body’s ability to adapt to changes in a situation or the environment is referred to as homeostasis, where energy flows are balanced and able to do the intricate work of enabling each cell in your body to function optimally. When homeostasis is disrupted, a person will experience an energy imbalance where the energy to a specific organ, system, or structure may be blocked. This imbalance interferes with the naturally occurring vibrational frequencies of the body, making a person more likely to struggle with dis-ease. Causes can include stress and poor eating habits and if left untreated may become more serious.
A Focus on Treating the Cause, Not the Symptoms
The disease may be caused by multiple factors, including stress, abuse, loss, pesticides in food and water, nerve interference, and poor nutrition. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent as the body will compensate if, for example, an organ is not functioning optimally. But if this continues for an extended period of time, symptoms will begin to emerge. Many of us will self-medicate to treat the symptoms without giving attention to the cause, and the underlying energy imbalance remains undiscovered. It is only when the severity increases to the point where it cannot be ignored that professional help will be sought. And even then, the doctor or healer may not look to discover the underlying cause, but rather focus on treating the symptoms.
A Journey Towards Healing with Contact Reflex Analysis
CRA is not a system of treatment for specific symptoms or diseases; rather, it is a technique that subtly corrects the energy imbalance by identifying and treating the cause. CRA aims to discover the root cause and then develop a personalized management plan that treats the body as a whole, including the mind, body, and spirit.